Source code for nldsl.core.rules

# NLDSL (c) 2019 by Kevin Kiefer <>, Heidelberg University
# NLDSL is licensed under a
# Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
# You should have received a copy of the license along with this
# work.  If not, see <>.

"""For each DSL argument type exist a dedicated rule responsible for parsing it.

The class GrammarRule contains a list of such rules, which it uses to parse
a list of different DSL arguments. Amongst all rules the ExpressionRule is the
most sophistaced one and it is also intended that the a user may derive from it
to adjust the parsing of expressions to his/her needs.

from collections import OrderedDict
from os.path import join, abspath, dirname
from textx import metamodel_from_file
from .utils import cast_down
from .types import is_keyword, is_variable, is_expression, is_var_list, OperatorType
from .exceptions import DSLArgumentError

[docs]class KeywordRule: """A KeywordRule is responsible for parsing keywords. Args: keyword (str): A string describing a keyword """ def __init__(self, keyword): """Please see help(KeywordRule).""" self.keyword = keyword @property def name(self): """The name of the keyword.""" return self.keyword @property def description(self): """A string containing a description of the grammar rule.""" return
[docs] def __call__(self, res_dict, args): """Apply the KeywordRule. If the first element from `args` is a euqal to the keyword stored in this rule, it will be removed. Otherwise an error is raised. Args: res_dict (dict): redundant - exists only for api consistency args (list): A list of strings Returns: (tuple) The first element is `res_dict` and the second args Raises: ValueError: This error is raised if the keyword is not the next argument. DSLArgumentError: If the keyword is incomplete e.g ("keyw" instead of "keyword"). """ if args[0] != self.keyword: if self.keyword.startswith(args[0]): raise DSLArgumentError("Incomplete Keyword", self) err_str = "Invalid keyword - expected {} but got {} instead" raise ValueError(err_str.format(self.keyword, args)) return res_dict, args[1:]
[docs]class VariableRule: """A VariableRule is responsible for parsing variables. Args: variable_name (str): A string containing the name of a variable choice_rules (dict): A dict mapping variable names to a list of possible values """ def __init__(self, variable_name, choice_rules=None): """Please see help(VariableRule).""" choice_rules = {} if choice_rules is None else choice_rules self.variable_name = variable_name self.choices = choice_rules[variable_name] if variable_name in choice_rules else [] @property def name(self): """The name of the variable.""" return self.variable_name @property def description(self): """A string containing a description of the grammar rule.""" return "$" +
[docs] def __call__(self, res_dict, args): """Apply the VariableRule. Adds the first value of `args` to the dictionary where the internally stored `variable_name` is used as a key. Raises an error if a list of choices for the variable is given (via `choice_rules`) and the value is not contained in that list. Args: res_dict (dict): A dictionary mapping variable names to values args (list): A list of strings Returns: (tuple) The first element is `res_dict` and the second args Raises: ValueError: Raised if the value is not contained in the list of choices. """ if self.choices and not args[0] in self.choices: remaining_choices = [c for c in self.choices if c.startswith(args[0])] if remaining_choices: rule = VariableRule(, { remaining_choices}) raise DSLArgumentError("Incomplete choice", rule) raise ValueError("Invalid value for variable") res_dict[self.variable_name] = args[0] return res_dict, args[1:]
[docs]class VarListRule: """A VariableRule is responsible for parsing variable lists. Args: var_list_name (str): A string containing the name of a variable internal (list): List key_word_rules or VariableRules next_keyword (str): The keyword that comes after this varlist or None """ def __init__(self, var_list_name, internal_rules, next_keyword=None): """Please see help(VarListRule).""" if var_list_name: self.var_list_name = var_list_name self._artificial_name = False else: name_list = [x.variable_name for x in internal_rules if isinstance(x, VariableRule)] self.var_list_name = tuple(name_list) if len(name_list) > 1 else name_list[0] self._artificial_name = True self.next_keyword = next_keyword self.internal_rules = internal_rules @property def name(self): """The name of the variable list.""" return self.var_list_name @property def description(self): """A string containing a description of the grammar rule.""" internal_desc = [r.description for r in self.internal_rules] name = "" if self._artificial_name else return "$" + name + "[{}]".format(" ".join(internal_desc))
[docs] def __call__(self, res_dict, args): """Apply the VariableRule. Adds a list to the dictionary with tuples containing the values of the variables in the list. Args: res_dict (dict): A dictionary mapping variable names to values args (list): A list of strings Returns: (tuple) The first element is `res_dict` and the second the remaining args Raises: DSLArgumentError: If a DSL argument is missing. """ try: stop_idx = len(args) if self.next_keyword is None or self.next_keyword not in args\ else args.index(self.next_keyword) except ValueError as err: next_rule = KeywordRule(self.next_keyword) raise DSLArgumentError("DSL keyword delimiter is missing", next_rule) from err res_dict[self.var_list_name] = [] for _ in range(0, stop_idx, len(self.internal_rules)): values = [] for rule in self.internal_rules: if not args: raise DSLArgumentError("DSL argument is missing", rule) tmp_res, args = rule({}, args) if in tmp_res: values.append(tmp_res[]) values = tuple(values) if len(values) > 1 else values[0] res_dict[self.var_list_name].append(values) return res_dict, args
def _apply_internal_rule(self, rule_idx, arg): """Apply the `rule_idx`'th internal rule to arg Args: rule_idx (int): The index of the rule arg (str): The argument to the rule Returns: (str): Either arg itself or None (depending on the rule) """ rule = self.internal_rules[rule_idx] if isinstance(rule, KeywordRule): return None res, _ = rule({}, [arg]) return res[rule.variable_name]
[docs]class ExpressionRule: """An ExpressionRule is responsible for parsing expression. Args: expr_name (str): The name of the expression. next_keyword (str): The keyword after this expression or None """ meta_model = metamodel_from_file(join(abspath(dirname(__file__)), "grammar", "expr_grammar.tx")) def __init__(self, expr_name, next_keyword=None): """Please see help(ExpressionRule).""" self.expr_name = expr_name self.next_keyword = next_keyword self.operator_map = { "or": " or ", "and": " and ", "not": "not ", "+": " + ", "-": " - ", "*": " * ", "/": " / ", "%": " % ", "**": "**", "<": " < ", ">": " > ", "==": " == ", "!=": " != ", "<=": " <= ", ">=": " >= ", "<>": " <> ", "in": " in ", "not in": " not in ", "is": " is ", "is not": " is not ", "[": "[", "]": "]", "(": "(", ")": ")" } self.operator_type = {op: OperatorType.OPERATOR for op in self.operator_map} self.brackets = "()" @property def name(self): """The name of the expression.""" return self.expr_name @property def description(self): """A string containing a description of the grammar rule.""" return "!" +
[docs] def __call__(self, res_dict, args): """Apply the ExpressionRule. Adds a string containing the parsed expression to 'res_dict' Args: res_dict (dict): A dictionary mapping variable names to values args (list): A list of strings Returns: (tuple) The first element is `res_dict` and the second the remaining args """ try: stop_idx = len(args) if self.next_keyword is None else args.index(self.next_keyword) except ValueError as err: next_rule = KeywordRule(self.next_keyword) raise DSLArgumentError("DSL keyword delimiter is missing", next_rule) from err try: model = self.meta_model.model_from_str(" ".join(args[:stop_idx])) except: raise DSLArgumentError("Incomplete expression", self) res_dict[self.expr_name] = self._parse_or_expr(model) return res_dict, args[stop_idx:]
def _parse_or_expr(self, node): """Pare a node corresponding to an boolean or-expression Args: node (OrExpr): The node describing the expression Returns: (str) A string containing the parsed expression """ exprs = [("or", self._parse_and_expr(expr)) for expr in node.exprs] return self.apply_operator_seq(exprs[0][1], exprs[1:]) def _parse_and_expr(self, node): """Pare a node corresponding to an boolean and-expression Args: node (OrExpr): The node describing the expression Returns: (str) A string containing the parsed expression """ exprs = [("and", self._parse_not_expr(expr)) for expr in node.exprs] return self.apply_operator_seq(exprs[0][1], exprs[1:]) def _parse_not_expr(self, node): """Pare a node corresponding to an boolean not-expression Args: node (OrExpr): The node describing the expression Returns: (str) A string containing the parsed expression """ if node.comp: return self._parse_comparison_expr(node.comp) exprs = [("not", self._parse_not_expr(expr)) for expr in node.exprs] return self.apply_operator_seq("", exprs) def _parse_comparison_expr(self, node): """Pare a node corresponding to a comparsion expression Args: node (OrExpr): The node describing the expression Returns: (str) A string containing the parsed expression """ rhs_list = [self._parse_comparison_expr_rhs(expr) for expr in node.rhs] return self.apply_operator_seq(self._parse_arith_expr(node.lhs), rhs_list) def _parse_comparison_expr_rhs(self, node): """Pare a node corresponding to the right hand side of comparisoin-expression Args: node (OrExpr): The node describing the expression Returns: (tuple) The operator and the expression. """ if node.operator == "notin": node.operator = "not in" if node.operator == "isnot": node.operator = "is not" return (node.operator, self._parse_arith_expr(node.expr)) def _parse_arith_expr(self, node): """Pare a node corresponding to an arithmetic-expression Args: node (OrExpr): The node describing the expression Returns: (str) A string containing the parsed expression """ rhs_list = [self._parse_arith_expr_rhs(expr) for expr in node.rhs] return self.apply_operator_seq(self._parse_term_expr(node.lhs), rhs_list) def _parse_arith_expr_rhs(self, node): """Pare a node corresponding to the right hand side of a arithmetic-expression Args: node (OrExpr): The node describing the expression Returns: (tuple) The operator and the expression. """ return (node.operator, self._parse_term_expr(node.expr)) def _parse_term_expr(self, node): """Pare a node corresponding to a term-expression Args: node (OrExpr): The node describing the expression Returns: (str) A string containing the parsed expression """ rhs_list = [self._parse_term_expr_rhs(expr) for expr in node.rhs] return self.apply_operator_seq(self._parse_factor_expr(node.lhs), rhs_list) def _parse_term_expr_rhs(self, node): """Pare a node corresponding to the right hand side of term-expression Args: node (OrExpr): The node describing the expression Returns: (tuple) The operator and the expression. """ return (node.operator, self._parse_factor_expr(node.expr)) def _parse_factor_expr(self, node): """Pare a node corresponding to an arithmetic factor-expression Args: node (OrExpr): The node describing the expression Returns: (str) A string containing the parsed expression """ if node.expr: return self._parse_power_expr(node.expr) operator = self.operator_map[node.operator] operator = self.factor_sign(operator) if self.operator_type[node.operator] == OperatorType.UNARY_FUNCTION: return self.apply_operator(operator, rhs=self._parse_factor_expr(node.factor)) return operator + self._parse_factor_expr(node.factor) def _parse_power_expr(self, node): """Pare a node corresponding to an arithmetic power-expression Args: node (OrExpr): The node describing the expression Returns: (str) A string containing the parsed expression """ if node.factor: lhs, rhs = self._parse_atom_expr(node.atom), self._parse_factor_expr(node.factor) return self.apply_operator("**", lhs, rhs) return self._parse_atom_expr(node.atom) def _parse_atom_expr(self, node): """Pare a node corresponding to an atomic expression Args: node (OrExpr): The node describing the expression Returns: (str) A string containing the parsed expression """ if node.expr: return self._parse_or_expr(node.expr) if node.dyck_expr: left, right = self.operator_map["("], self.operator_map[")"] return left + self._parse_or_expr(node.dyck_expr) + right if node.value_list: left, right = self.operator_map["["], self.operator_map["]"] vals = [self._parse_value(val) for val in node.value_list] return left + ", ".join(vals) + right return self._parse_value(node.value) @classmethod def _parse_value(cls, node): """Pare a node corresponding to a value. Args: node (TYPE): The node describing the value Returns: (str) A string containing the parsed value """ if node.string: return "'" + node.string + "'" if node.float: return str(cast_down(node.float)) return str(node.value)
[docs] def apply_operator_seq(self, lhs, rhs_list): """Concatenates `lhs` and all expressions in `rhs_list`. Args: lhs (str): The left most expression rhs_list (list): A list of (operator, expression) tuples Returns: (str) A string containing the parsed expressions """ result = lhs for operation, rhs in rhs_list: result = self.apply_operator(operation, result, rhs) return result
[docs] def apply_operator(self, operator, lhs="", rhs=""): """Applies the `operator` to the left- and right-hand-side expression If the operator is a function the expressions will become its arguments. Otherwise they will simply be concatenated. Args: operator (str): A string containg an operator lhs (str): A string containg an expression rhs (str): A string containg an expression Returns: (str) The resulting expression """ sym = self.operator_map[operator] if self.operator_type[operator] == OperatorType.UNARY_FUNCTION: return lhs + sym + self.brackets[0] + rhs + self.brackets[1] if self.operator_type[operator] == OperatorType.BINARY_FUNCTION: return sym + self.brackets[0] + lhs + ", " + rhs + self.brackets[1] return lhs + sym + rhs
[docs] def factor_sign(self, operator): """Modify an operator, which describes the sign of a base. The default implementation simply strips all whitespaces. Args: operator (str): A string representation of the operator. Returns: (str) The operator string stripped from preceeding and trailing whitespaces. """ return operator.strip()
[docs]class GrammarRule: """A GrammarRule consists out of a list of rules. Args: instructions (list): Descibes how to synthesize the rule. choices (dict): A dict, which maps variable names to values. expr_rule (ExpressionRule): The type of expression rule to be used. """ def __init__(self, instructions, choices=None, expr_rule=ExpressionRule): """Please see help(GrammarRule).""" choices = {} if choices is None else choices self._expr_rule = expr_rule self._rules = self._parse_rules(instructions, choices) self._choices = self._parse_choices(self._rules, choices) @property def rules(self): """A list of the internal rules.""" return self._rules @property def choices(self): """A dictionary wich maps variable names to lists of choices.""" return self._choices @property def expression_rule(self): """The type of expression rule that is used.""" return self._expr_rule @property def description(self): """A string containing a description of the grammar rule.""" return " ".join(r.description for r in self.rules)
[docs] def __call__(self, args): """Convert the list of arguments `args` into a dictinonary. All keywords are removed from `args`. All variable names become keys to their corresponding values. VarLists are converted into lists of tuples, where each tuples contains the values of the variables contained in the list in order. Args: args (list): A list of strings. Returns: (dict) A dictionary, which maps from variable names to values. Raises: ValueError: Raised if too many arguments are provided. DSLArgumentError: If a DSL argument is missing """ res_dict = OrderedDict() for rule in self.rules: if not args: raise DSLArgumentError("DSL argument is missing", rule) res_dict, args = rule(res_dict, args) if args: raise ValueError("Too many arguments") return res_dict
def _parse_rules(self, instructions, choices): """Parse the grammar rules as specified by the instructions. Args: instructions (list): Descibes how to synthesize the rule. choices (dict): A dict, which maps variable names to values. Returns: (list) A list of functors, which implement the rules. """ rules = [] for idx, arg in enumerate(instructions): next_arg = instructions[idx+1] if idx < len(instructions) - 1 else None # variable list parsing rule if is_var_list(arg): rules.append(self._create_var_list_rule(arg, next_arg, choices)) # expression parsing rule elif is_expression(arg): rules.append(self._create_expression_rule(arg, next_arg)) # variable parsing rule elif is_variable(arg): rules.append(VariableRule(, choices)) # keyword parsing rule elif is_keyword(arg): rules.append(KeywordRule( else: raise ValueError("Unkown rule type") return rules def _parse_choices(self, rules, choices): """Parse the lists of choices for all rules. Args: rule (list): A list of rules. choices (dict): The dictionary of already extracted choices. Returns: (dict): A mapping from variables names to lists of choices if any. """ for rule in rules: if isinstance(rule, VariableRule) and rule.choices: choices[] = rule.choices if isinstance(rule, VarListRule): choices = self._parse_choices(rule.internal_rules, choices) return choices def _create_var_list_rule(self, arg, next_arg, choices): """ Create an instance of VarListRule. Args: arg (dict): The argument describing the variable list rule. next_arg (dict): The next argument in the instructions or None. choices (dict): A map from variable names to values. Returns: (VarListRule) A new variable list rule. Raises: ValueError: If the VarList is neither the last argument nor followed by a keyword. """ # internals of a variable list are parsed recursively internal_rules = self._parse_rules(, choices) # ensure the next_arg does not exist or is a keyword if not next_arg is None and not is_keyword(next_arg): raise ValueError("A variable list must be followed by a keyword or be the last rule.") next_arg = if not next_arg is None else next_arg return VarListRule(, internal_rules, next_arg) def _create_expression_rule(self, arg, next_arg): """Create an instance of ExpressionRule. Args: arg (dict): The argument describing the expression rule. next_arg (dict): The next argument in the instructions or None. Returns: (ExpressionRule) A new variable list rule. Raises: ValueError: If the Expression is neither the last argument nor followed by a keyword. """ # ensure the next_arg does not exist or is a keyword if not next_arg is None and not is_keyword(next_arg): raise ValueError("An expression must be followed by a keyword or be the last rule.") next_arg = if not next_arg is None else next_arg return self.expression_rule(, next_arg)